
Sunday 5 May 2013

God is able

Snow in Timau, Kenya

This particular day I was traveling on a work related assignment and we saw this amazing view. It was snow in Kenya, well more like hailstorms but still, it was an such an awe. For those of us who live in Kenya, we know it never snows.
I am reminded of Gods word as I look upon his marvels. He makes rivers in the desert! Oh yes he is able. As I looked through the snow, I thought about how my faith quickly turns into doubt when am faced with a faith needing situation. How I doubt God's strength in the face of a storm.  God reminded me there and then that I needed to trust him more. He is able to do more than we think or imagine!

Can you imagine that God made it snow in this part of Kenya? Can you imagine a desert full of endless acres of sand and right there in the middle is a vibrant flowing river?

Are you looking for a job? Trust him. Are you looking for a godly husband/wife? Trust him. Are you experiencing troubles in your family? Trust him. Are you looking for good friends? Trust him. Whatever it is, trust him.

Have faith my dear friends, God is able.

I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. .... Isaiah 48:21

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