
Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Beautiful Christian

I will be starting a new series about a beautiful Christian. I believe that just like me, you want to be beautiful in God's eyes. Lets see what God's idea of beauty is.
A beautiful Christian can be compared to a beautiful tree described in Psalms 1:3. Hence a beautiful christian is like a tree planted by the river. It bears fruit in and out of season.

So what exactly are these fruits that Christians should bear in and out of season. The bible tells us about the fruits of the Holy Spirit, Galatians 5:22. These are qualities that us Christians reveal when the Spirit of God dwells in us.

We shall be going through each and everyone of them to see how we can radiate the beauty of Christ.

Disclaimer: Beauty in God's eyes is the inward beauty. Not how much make up we have on, not how beautiful our dresses are, not how much jewelry we have on. That is only beautiful in the eyes of men. The bible describes this in 1st Peter3:3-4.

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. Against such things there is no law. 
Galatians 5:22

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