
Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Beautiful Christian

I will be starting a new series about a beautiful Christian. I believe that just like me, you want to be beautiful in God's eyes. Lets see what God's idea of beauty is.
A beautiful Christian can be compared to a beautiful tree described in Psalms 1:3. Hence a beautiful christian is like a tree planted by the river. It bears fruit in and out of season.

So what exactly are these fruits that Christians should bear in and out of season. The bible tells us about the fruits of the Holy Spirit, Galatians 5:22. These are qualities that us Christians reveal when the Spirit of God dwells in us.

We shall be going through each and everyone of them to see how we can radiate the beauty of Christ.

Disclaimer: Beauty in God's eyes is the inward beauty. Not how much make up we have on, not how beautiful our dresses are, not how much jewelry we have on. That is only beautiful in the eyes of men. The bible describes this in 1st Peter3:3-4.

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. Against such things there is no law. 
Galatians 5:22

Friday, 10 May 2013

Media Enticement - Its just a movie

As I write this, I want to emphasis I am not writing from a point of holiness or know it all, but from a point of grace. God is teaching me and I am sharing what I am learning with you.

Christianity nowadays is not easy. Especially not with all the negative media surrounding us. You want to see pornography, someone naked, someone stealing, someone engaging in sexual immorality, vulgar language? All you need is to turn on your television and there it is. No wonder so many people are addicted to pornography today. No wonder so many married men and women and committing adultery with advertisements promoting 'mpango wa kando', no wonder so many of us young people are involved in casual sex before marriage, no wonder so many people are becoming homosexuals.

The Lord clearly says in his word, out of the abundance of your heart, the mouth speaks. Now, this may seem very far fetched and far from our reality but take a closer look. How do children learn to abuse and call other people vulgar names? I personally noticed this specific time when I was watching the season Revenge. I was thrilled about how sweet revenge is that i almost forgot God's command that revenge is wrong. Another time I was watching the series Scandal and oh my!!! I cannot tell you how uncomfortable I was with the glorified adulterous relationship between Olivia and the married President.This other time I was watching brothers and sisters ( a show I very much enjoyed). My heart softened towards homosexuality. I even started thinking it should be accepted in our society which is clearly wrong because the Lord rejects homosexuality in his word.

The Lord says we guard our hearts for it is the wellspring of life. My christian friends, lets guard our hearts. Lets test everything we see and pass it through the fire of God's word. God says, 'Test everything, hold on to the good. Avoid every kind of evil'. Thes 5: 21.

For those with young children, I don't know how much to emphasize this. Its appalling the way parents are letting TV's to act as babysitter as they do other chores! Carefully scrutinize everything your child watches. Their young minds soak up a lot more, and I imagine no parent wants a vulgar, rude, alcoholic, sexually immoral child. Instead, fill them with Gods word and virtuous movies. The Lord requires us to bring up Godly offspring.

It maybe just a movie, but if it promotes sin, it will harden our hearts towards the sinful action. I am speaking this to myself as well as to you. There are some movies I definitely have to throw out.
I will start praying the Lord to bring my way decent movies to watch. Movies that will promote the fruits of the spirit. In the meantime, before I find good movies, no one ever died of TV starvation :-)

Test everything, hold on to the good. Avoid every kind of evil. Thessalonians 5: 21

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Spirutual Growth

Spiritual growth is INTENTIONAL. There, I said it. It does not depend on anything else but you, of course with God's help but you are the major determinant. Most of us Christians have refused to grow spiritually. The bible refers to them as infants. Imagine a baby who refuses to grow! Oh my, what a cause of stress it is! 

You must set apart time to pray in your busy schedule. You must sit down, open the bible and read it. You must listen to Godly music and stop listening to trashy songs. You must seek out company of Godly friends to fellowship with. We must Flee from temptation (as in, run away very fast and far).

For all of us who sit around wishing that spiritual maturity will just find you, I know this post has bust your bubble. Ain't no other way sisters! Get up today and do something. Start moving. God is waiting. He does not leave us or forsake us, it is us who move away from him.

Let us stop being baby Christians who are still suckling milk even after being born again for years! Make a conscious decision today and intentionally (putting effort and being discipline) draw closer to God. Feed on God's word and grow!

Like new born babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it, you may grow up in your salvation 1st Peter 2:2

I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not ready for it....For since there is jelousy and quarelling among you, are you not worldly? 1st Corinthians 3: 2-3

Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness. Hebrews 5:13

Sunday, 5 May 2013

God is able

Snow in Timau, Kenya

This particular day I was traveling on a work related assignment and we saw this amazing view. It was snow in Kenya, well more like hailstorms but still, it was an such an awe. For those of us who live in Kenya, we know it never snows.
I am reminded of Gods word as I look upon his marvels. He makes rivers in the desert! Oh yes he is able. As I looked through the snow, I thought about how my faith quickly turns into doubt when am faced with a faith needing situation. How I doubt God's strength in the face of a storm.  God reminded me there and then that I needed to trust him more. He is able to do more than we think or imagine!

Can you imagine that God made it snow in this part of Kenya? Can you imagine a desert full of endless acres of sand and right there in the middle is a vibrant flowing river?

Are you looking for a job? Trust him. Are you looking for a godly husband/wife? Trust him. Are you experiencing troubles in your family? Trust him. Are you looking for good friends? Trust him. Whatever it is, trust him.

Have faith my dear friends, God is able.

I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. .... Isaiah 48:21

Friday, 3 May 2013

Drawing People to Christ

At a Children's  home sharing the love of Christ

I have been away for a while now. I was having exams and you all know how they pretty much occupy every inch of your mind. I can honestly say I saw the hand of the Lord. I got a lovely room (My exams were in a different town from where I stay), lovely roommates and the Lord led me to read in areas where the exams were coming from. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

On to todays topic. I will be sharing on a verse I read last night that challenged and encouraged me from Acts 15: 19. I have always wanted to draw people to Christ and was wondering how I can do this in my daily life. I want to be so full of God, so full of excitement for my Savior that everyone around me will want to have the God in me. In the book of Acts, James says that we should not make it hard for the Gentiles to become Christians.

I was asking myself, how do I make it hard for unbelivers to become Christians? I came up with a couple of things (to my dismay :-) )
  • Speaking negatively
  • Not being gentle and kind
  • Not being generous even when the bible says we give and it will come back
  • Not loving all of God's people even the ones who have wronged me.
  • Not being humble in speech and actions in my daily life
  • Not extending grace and mercy to those who wrong me or are unkind. Lord knows how much mercy he has extended to me.
  • When my actions and manner of life does not reflect the gospel of Christ
  • When I do not joyfully serve the Lord, my family, friends and workmates
  • Arguing to prove my point when the Lord clearly says we live in peace.
  • Worrying, worry and more worry and the Lord says, Do not be anxious.
  • Measuring myself with the standards of the world instead of the Lord.
  • Not speaking about my Lord to unbelievers.

The list goes on and on. We must every day strive to be like Christ. Daily dying to ourself and letting the will of the Lord prevail.

Jesus calls us to be salt of the world. He calls us to be his aroma. So that anyone who comes near us will smell the sweet scent and be drawn to Christ. Be encouraged with me to be an instruments of God's love and to go out and make disciples for Christ.

we should not make it difficult for the Gentiles who are turning to God.
Acts 15:19