
Wednesday 24 September 2014

Honey dripping mouth

Last week I was reading the book of Songs of Solomon during my devotion. I would like to share with you what God was teaching me as I sat at his feet in the mornings. Songs of Solomon is actually love songs between a groom and a bride. Very interesting read. As per today's topic, the groom was praising his bride in these words:

Songs 4:11- Your lips drip nectar my bride, honey and milk are under your tongue.

I thought wow! What high praise! This bride must have really mastered how to make her husband happy.
You see today in our culture, it has become usual for men to complain that women nag alot, talk too much and generally express much dissatisfaction towards their mates. But not this Songs of Solomon woman. Her mouth is used to utter beautiful words.

Words as sweet as nectar. Words of praise to her husband, words of praise to those around her.

As if not enough, under her tongue is milk and honey. She takes this business of speaking seriously and even keeps reserves of sweet speech under her tongue

Milk is a nourishing drink so this woman speaks life giving words unto people who surround her. She uses her
tongue to encourage, to build up, to correct gracefully and to admire.

Honey is a natural medicine. So we see this beautiful woman using her tongue to offer healing words. She comforts the grieving, she gives hope to the desolate with her words. She knows that her tongue has power. And when her husband, her king is stressed out and discouraged, she knows her words can heal him, and goes ahead to give him a dose of honey filled words.

May we strive to be like this beautiful woman. May we always use our words to praise, nourish and heal.

Proverbs 18:3b but the tongue of the wise brings healing

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