
Tuesday 3 December 2013

Of swallowships and Fellowships

Last week was a crazy time at work. Really crazy that I worked on the weekend and I never do unless its absolutely necessary. In the process, I missed my Monday prayers at church and barely made it to the Thursday home fellowship. First, you have to know that I LOVE those two days of prayer and fellowship. I really do and I look forward to them. Its wonderful being with people of faith even if just to chat and enjoy ourselves and do swallowships.

Just in case your not aware, swallowships is where a group of Christians meet with the main agenda being to eat :-). They are so fun!

After I missed the Monday prayers at church, I felt so bad like something was missing. I knew technically I hadn't done anything wrong as I was genuinely busy at work. But by Thursday, I felt like I needed spiritual top-up from a group of believers. I practically ran to the home fellowship though I was late :-(

I realised, its true, what the bible says, do not neglect the coming together of brethren. God is wise! When you neglect fellowship with people of faith, your spirit weekens. Iron sharpens iron Prov 27:17 . No day will plastic ever sharpen iron. Same case, Believers sharpen believers. If you want your spiritual life to get better, good place to start will be looking for a bible believing fellowship and join ASAP.

Too many times I hear Christians say, they attend TV church from their living room and I just wonder. It is not right. God never intended us to replace human fellowship with virtual fellowship. So no, JCC church on TV cannot be your only church. Christian blogs cannot be your only bible study. Its during those times of solitude that the devil speaks lies to us and causes our faith to weaken. Its during those times of solitude that we are influenced by other things and we loose focus of our salvation.

God is wise. Lets listen to his counsel. We must never forsake fellowships and swallowships.

Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing Heb 10:25

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