
Tuesday 26 November 2013

Siyabonga Jesu: Thankyou Jesus

Pretty much the whole day, and the whole of yesterday, I have had the Siyabonga song on replay the entire time. Well, this is not a new song and I have heard it many times before but suddenly I cant get enough of it.
There is just something about giving thanks to God. And this song is right about that: Giving thanks.

You can listen to it below.


So today, as am singing along this siyabonga I was thinking about so many opportunities I had to give thanks to God but instead I complain.

  • The long drives from Meru to Nairobi : I should have given thanks for the quiet time it gives me to pray and meditate on God's word or read a book. Instead, I complained of nausea.
  • A lot of office work: I should be thankful because this job provides a livelihood instead, I complain for keeping me in the office after working hours.
  • Neighborhood dogs that bark so loud in the night: I should be thankful that they provide security and companionship when I walk the stretch home. Instead, I complain that they are too loud.
  • My alarm clock in the morning: I should be thankful for another day instead of complaining how short the night is.

You get the drift...

See, good people. We are supposed to be thankful. We are COMMANDED by God to be thankful. Its not an option. God hates complainers. And to see just how much the Lord hates it when we complain, see his wrath on Israelites when they used their mouths to mumble Numbers 14.

Let us have the attitude of Christ Phil 2:5. Even unto death, he was thankful and did not complain.

Phil 2:14 Do everything without complaining and arguing.'
If you needed proof, there it is. Its sin to complain. Period.

Being thankful opens doors.
Being thankful draws beautiful things to us.
Being thankful causes showers of blessings to fall on us like rain.

And it doesnt matter what the cirsumstance is. Be it be in good times or in bad. Be it we are overwhelmed or underwhelmed. Our song should be 'thank you'.

Siyabonga Jesu!!!

Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. 1st Thes 5:18

Friday 22 November 2013

Dressing to Please my Parents and an Epiphany

I attended a wedding this weekend for my friend. The wedding was at my home town in Nakuru so that means I had to travel home. My parents were also attending the wedding. As I was packing on Thursday, I noticed, like every other time when I am going home, that I had to wade through many clothes until I find those that are 'Parents appropriate'. This time it really hit me!

I realized that the clothes I was looking for were 'more modest' than the other ones I was ruling out. Just to qualify, I don't usually dress immodestly but lets just say I have some 'grey area clothes' :-). You know, those that are a little tighter and a little shorter. Suddenly I had an epiphany moment, I don't really have to be doing this every time I am visiting home. God's word says that my parents are my authority here on earth and they prefer me in my more modest dressing. So actually, God has been speaking to me all along to maintain the 'parents friendly' bar of modesty in and out of season (read at my home town or otherwise).

I ended up dressing like this...well, minus the top (obviously) minus the hat (because it was hot). I had a more covered up top. So lets just say I had the skirt :-)

So here I am extending the same challenge to all of us.
To purpose to be modest in our dressing. Someone told me a very interesting quote.

"Dress like you would like other women to dress near your husband".

I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety... 1st Tim 2:9

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Love - God's dictionary


Hello dear readers. I have missed you all so much and missed writing.

Lots have been happening in my life which maybe I will share some day but its been exciting and ...'working out for my good because I love the Lord :-)

Today's topic is about Love. I don't know of a more talked about topic.

Think about this scripture today:

1st Corinthians 13:4-8a
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices in the truth. Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.

When I read this verse, I feel like I ALWAYS fall short in this love department. I mean, really think about it. Have you ever been rude to someone you claim to love? I know I have. Have I ever kept a record of wrongs? YES sir!

Let this verse speak to us today. Let us really meditate on this word of our Lord and let us learn from the best example of love how to really love.

God is love. 1st John 4:16b